Featured Projects
Waterview Connection Project, SH20 & SH16 Auckland, 2009
This project involved detailed assessment of landscape, amenity and natural character effects associated with redevelopment of the St Lukes to Te Atatu sections of Auckland’s North-western Motorway, including widening and heightening of the causeway across Auckland’s inner Waitemata Harbour. This assessment was undertaken in conjunction with evaluation of the effects of extending SH20 from Maioro Rd in Mt Roskill to meet SH16 at Point Chevalier, including the development of two tunnels between Alan Wood Reserve and Waterview. Brown NZ Ltd’s involvement in this project also included the preparation of Landscape / Open Space concepts for the motorway margins addressing – the development and relocation of open spaces and sports fields around the motorway corridor, provision of new walkways and stormwater ponds, treatment of the surrounds framing the Northern and Southern Tunnel Portals, provision of walling next to the corridor, and planting throughout. In addition to supporting the AEE, this work provided the foundation for evidence at the Board of Inquiry and the granting of consent for the joint projects.
This work was undertaken on behalf of the NZ Transport Agency