Featured Projects
Thames Coromandel Landscape Review Coromandel, 2008 - 2011
In 2007 an assessment of the Coromandel Peninsula was prepared by Mary Buckland of LA4, and in 2008 Brown NZ Ltd was engaged by Thames Coromandel District Council to undertake a review of that assessment. Employing the Modified Pigeon Bay / WESI factors, in conjunction with research from Lincoln University and the results of interviews on landscape values undertaken by Gravitas Strategy Consultants, Brown NZ Ltd undertook a thorough re-assessment of the Outstanding Natural Features and Landscapes across the Peninsula and also identified those parts of the District’s coastal environment (and major river margins) that display high levels of Natural Character. As a result, the ‘higher order’ landscapes found within the District have been re-mapped and Brown NZ Ltd has provided a detailed inventory - including descriptions and photos - of those specific landscapes and parts of the coastal environment.